Mark in Greece - English

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On Saturday, November the 27th, 2010, the constitution of the "District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cyprus", under the English Jurisdtiction, was held in Limassol. Our Grand Lodge of MMM was represented in the Ceremony by the Assistant Grand Master, RW Bro Vassilis Yannakakos.


On Saturday, November the 6th, 2010, the Four-monthly Communication of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" was held in the Athens Masonic Hall. The new Grand Treasurer was elected. In addition, a decision was taken to develope the fraternal relations, on the basis of recognition and the exchange of Representatives, with the following Grand Lodges:
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of South Australia & Northern Territory
- National Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons Of Switzerland
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons and Royal Ark Mariners of Togo


On Saturday, September the 25th, 2010, the Investiture Meeting of the "National Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Switzerland" was held in Zurich. The "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" has been represented by the Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Dionyssios Ithakissios, accompanied by the Grand Secretary, VW Bro Anastassios Albanis and the Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Angelo Hartas.
Among the items of the agenda was the re-establishment of the fraternal relations between the two Grand Lodges of Mark Master Masons.


On Saturday, June the 19th, 2010, the "District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Italy" was instituted in Rome under the English Jurisdiction. Our Grand Lodge has been represented in the Ceremony by the President of the General Board.


On Tuesday, June the 8th, 2010, the Investiture Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas" was held in London, at Great Queen Street Masonic Hall, under the presidency of the MW Grand Master, His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. During the meeting, the re-installation of the Grand Master took place, as well as the appointment and investiture of the Grand Officers for the new Masonic period. Several Brethren from the Districts and the Provinces were invested as Past Grand Officers. After the meeting, an Official Festive Board took place with the participation of more than 600 Brethren.
After the re-recognition of our Grand Lodge
of MMM, the Grand Master, MW Bro Alexandros-Ioannis Bassis, was invited and attended the meeting and dinner.
six Grand Masters and two leaders of Royal Arch Grand Chapters attended the Meeting as visitors. The following countries were represented (with senior):
Ireland (R.A.), Finland, Greece, Swiss, France, Israel (R.A.), Togo and Brazil.


On Saturday, June the 5th, 2010, the Four-monthly Communication of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" was held in the Athens Masonic Hall. During the meeting, the Treasurer for the new masonic period (2011-2012) was proposed. After that the Annual Meeting of "The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner of Greece" took place.


At the Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Finland" held on Saturday, April the 24th, 2010, the members of this Grand Lodge recognised the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas".


At the Quarterly Communication of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas" held on Tuesday, March the 9th, 2010, the members of this Grand Lodge re-Recognised the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas".


The Investiture Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas " was held on Saturday, February the 20th, 2010. During the Meeting, the Installation of the Grand Master Elect, MW Bro Alexandros-Ioannis Bassis, took place. The Installation acted out by the Immediate Past Grand Master MW Bro Andreas Blamoutsis. The installed Grand Master appointed and invested RW Bro Dionyssios Ithakissios as the Deputy Grand Master and RW Bro Vassilis Yannakakos as the Assistant Grand Master. Present were as visitors the Grand Master of the newly recognised "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Estonia" accompanied by our representative near this Grand Lodge.


On Saturday, January the 30th, 2010, a new Mark Lodge was consecrated under the title «Achaean Land» and No 27 on the register of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas". This new Lodge will operate in the city of Patrae.

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