Mark in Greece - English

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An Education Workshop was held on Saturday, December the 8th, 2012, by the Mark Lodge of Instruction OMIROS No 11. A presentation of the Ceremony of Advancement (in Greek) was given to new Mark Master Masons, as well historical facts on the origin of the degree and its growth in Greece.


On Saturday, December the 1st, 2012, the Annual Meeting of the «District Grand Lodge of MMM of Belgium» (under the English Jurisdiction) was held in Brussels-Belgium. During the Meeting, RW Bro. Jean Verbist, was installed as the new District Grand Master. The Installation Ceremony was presided by the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro. Benjamin Addy, assisted by a team of Grand Officers of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas". After his installation, the new District Grand Master installed his Deputy, his Assistant and appointed/invested all the rest District Grand Officers. After being invited, the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Basis, attended the Meeting.


From the «Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Tasmania» a request for recognition between the two Bodies was received . The Grand Master, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Basis, met in Ireland the 1st Grand Principal, MEm Comp. Ian Charles Blair, and expressed his support to the request and that the final approval will be taken on February the 16th, 2013, during the Investiture Meeting of the Grand Lodge of MMM. Between the leaders of the two Bodies was agreed that the Grand Representative of the GL of MMM near Tasmania will be the 2nd Grand Principal, REm Comp. Yannis Kontos (who is of Greek origin), and the Grand Representative of the Tasmanian Royal Arch near our GL of MMM will be the RW Bro. Dimitrios Kontesis, PGSW.


On Wednesday November the 7th, 2012, the Convocation of the «Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland» was held in Dublin-Ireland. After being invited, the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Basis, attended the Convocation. Present were as well Royal Arch Delegations from Scotland, Holland, Finland, Tasmania, Estonia and Hungary.


On Saturday, November the 3rd, 2012, the regular Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" was held in Athens. The Grand Treasurer and the Auditing Committee were re-elected for the period February 2013 - February 2014.


On Saturday September the 22nd, 2012, the Investiture Meeting of the "National Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Switzerland" was held in Geneva. In the frame of the Meeting special festivities took place to celebrate the 20 years anniversary since the consacration of the first MMM Lodge in Geneva. After a relevant invitation, our Grand Lodge of MMM was represented by the Past Grand Master, MW Bro. Andreas Blamoutsis, who is as well the Grand Representative of their Grand Lodge of MMM near ours.


On Tuesday June the 12th, 2012, the Investiture Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas" was held in London, at Great Queen Street Masonic Hall, under the presidency of the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro. Benjamin Addy. During the meeting, the re-installation of the Grand Master took place, as well as the appointment and investiture of the Grand Officers for the new Masonic period. Several Brethren from the Districts and the Provinces were invested as Past Grand Officers. After the meeting, an Official Festive Board took place with the participation of more than 600 Brethren.
The Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Bassis, was invited and attended the meeting and dinner.
three Grand Masters of MMM from abroad attended the meeting and the 2nd Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. The following countries were represented (with senior):
Scotland, Finland, Greece, Switzerland.


The last Communication of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" was held on Saturday, 9 June 2012, in Athens. During this Communication, the Grand Treasurer and the Auditors were proposed (for the period 2013-2014). The election will take place on November the 3rd, 2012. After the Communication, the Annual Assembly of "The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner of Greece" took place as well. The Grand Master, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Bassis, announced the establishment of the Greek "Order of Deukalion". He also conferred the "High Rank" to two Past Commanders.


On Saturday May the 26th, 2012, the Annual Meeting of the «Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Estonia» was held in Tallinn-Estonia. After being invited, the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Basis, attended the Meeting. It is notable that the meeting was held in the new Masonic Hall, a real jewel that perfectly combines the modern structure with masonic tradition. Before the Mark Meeting a Ceremoy of Consacration of the "Red Temple" was held, followed by the Meeting of the «Supreme Grand Chapter of Estonia».
During the Annual Meeting of the «Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Estonia», the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM has been honoured by the Grand Master of the «Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Estonia», MW Bro. Anti Oidsalou, with the Medal of Merit of the Grand Lodge of Estonia. Present were as well the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand King of the «Supreme Grand Chapter of Irland» and the Grand Master of the «Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Finland».


On Saturday March the 17th, 2012, the Annual Meeting of the «District Grand Lodge of MMM of Germany» (under the English Jurisdiction) was held in Bad Iburg in Germany. After being invited, the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Alexandros-Ioannis Basis, attended the Meeting. Present were as well the Grand Supervisor for Germany of the Supreme Grand Royal Chapter of Scotland and Delegations of the District Grand Lodges of MMM (under the English Jurisdiction) of Spain and Belgium.


First official visit of our Grand Lodge of MMM in Scotland.
On Friday March the 16th, 2012, the Annual Convocation of the «Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland» was held in Edinbourgh. During the Annual Convocation, the Installation of the First Grand Principal took place and the Grand Officers were invested. Our Grand Lodge of MMM was represented by RWBro. Dimitrios Kontesis, PGSW. Present were also Delegations form the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, the International Grand Chapter and the Supreme Grand Chapter of the Holy Royal Arch Masons in the Netherlands.


Withdrawal of recognition of the Grand Lodge of MMM of France by the relevant of England. During the Meeting of the «Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas» on March the 13th, 2012, was announced the withdrawal of recognition of the «Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of france». Details could be found on the official web site of MMM of England and Wales. It is expected that other jurisdictions will follow as well the same policy.


The Investiture Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" was held in Piraeus on Saturday, February the 11th, 2012. During the meeting, the Grand Master, MW Bro Alexandros-Ioannis Basis, was re-installed for the next two years in the office and he appointed and invested his Grand Officers for the insuing year. The re-installed Grand Master re-appointed and re-invested RW Bro Dionyssios Ithakissios as the Deputy Grand Master and RW Bro Vassilis Yannakakos as the Assistant Grand Master. After the meeting the Official Festive Board took place. Totally, twenty seven Brethren from abroad attended the Meeting representing the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland, the Mark Grand Lodges of England and Wales, Finland, Switzerland and Estonia, as well the Grand Chapter of Ohio-U.S.A.
Especially from our mother
"Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas", a Delegation of 14 Brethren honoured the Meeting led by the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro Benjamin Addy.


On Tuesday, January the 14th, 2012, the Lodge OMIROS (Homer) No 11 was revived and henceforth will operate as a Lodge of Education and Research. Fourty four Mark Master Masons were adopted as members of the Lodge and they approved the new bylaws. Then, the election and Installation of the new Worshpfull Master took place, who appointed and invested his officers.

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