Mark in Greece - English

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On Tuesday June the 12th, 2018, the Investiture Meeting of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas" was held in London, at the U.G.L.E. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, presided the MW Grand Master, His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. During the Meeting, His Royal Hiness Prince Michael was re-installed as the Grand Master and he appointed and invested the Grand Officers for the ensuing Masonic year. Several Brethren from the Districts and the Provinces were invested as Past Grand Officers. After the Meeting, an Official Festive Board took place with the participation of more than 1,000 Brethren, in the facilities of the Grand Connaught Rooms.
he Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Anastassios Albanis, was invited and attended the Meeting and the dinner afterwards.
Grand Masters of MMM and Official Delegations from several jurisdictions attended as well the Meeting as follows:
Queensland, Finland, Switzerland, Togo, Ivory Coast, South-East Asia and Gabon.


The Communication of the "Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas" was held on Saturday, 2 June 2018, in Athens. During this Meeting the Treasurer and the Auditors for the period 2018-2019 were proposed. The election will take place at the Communication on 10 November 2018.
After the Communication of the GLMMM, the Annual Assembly of "
The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners of Greece" took place. The Grand Master of our Grand Lodge of MMM, MW Bro. Anastassios Albanis, conferred the High Rank to one Past Worshipful Commander.
Next, the consecration of a new Mariners Lodge took place. The name of the Lodge is "
Horizon" and was register under number 17 on the Roll of the Fraternity in Greece. The Consecrating Officer was the Grand Master, MW Bro. Anastassios Albanis, and the Installing Officer was RW Bro. Dimitrios Mamas, PGSW. The Lodge will operate in Piraeus.


On Saturday, April the 14th, 2018, the Investiture Meeting of the Grand Lodge of MMM of Finland was held in Helsinki. Our GLMMM was represented by RW Bro. Dimitrios Kontesis, DGM, who is also the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of MMM of Finland near our GLMMM. The Meeting attend delegations from the Grand Lodge of Sweden, the Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, the GLMMM of England and Wales, Switzerland, Estonia, and from the District GLMMM of Germany (under the English jurisdiction).


On Saturday, February the 10th, 2018, the regular Meeting of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Greece and its Lodges Overseas was held in Athens. At this Meeting the Grand Master, MW Bro. Dionyssios Ithakissios, installed the Grand Master Elect. The new Grand Master,
MW Bro. Anastassios Albanis,
appointed and invested the Grand Officers for the period February 2018 - February 2019. The Meeting attended 42 foreign guests from the Royal Asch Chapters of Scotland, Ireland and the GLMMM of England and Wales, Finland, Switzerland, Estonia, South East Asia, and from the District GLMMM of Germany (under the English jurisdiction).
Noted that the delegation of the
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas, Mother Grand Lodge of ours, was presided by the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro. Raymond John Smith, escorted by the Grand Secretary, RW Bro. Rayan Andrew Williams.

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